October 14th, 2:00 PM CST
Delighting in Your Children – the Key to Keeping Their Hearts
Covered in This Session:
- What your time-management exposes to your children
- How to express healthy emotions to your children
- The impact of a vibrant relationship with God on your family relationships
Rick and Marilyn Boyer are true pioneers of the home schooling movement. Starting in 1980, they educated all of their fourteen children from kindergarten through high school. Along the way, they wrote over twenty books for parents and kids, in addition to creating Character Concepts—a bible-based character curriculum for young people of preschool through high school age. Marilyn is loved for her wisdom, experience and loving passion for helping younger moms. Rick’s messages blend intensity with humor as he applies life experience and Scriptural principles to share parenting solutions that work. Together, the Boyers share the vision that built a family of grown sons and daughters who love God and are each other’s best friends.
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