Boost Your Impact and Earnings by Joining the Homeschool Summits Affiliate Team!

Are you passionate about serving the homeschool community? Partner with us as an affiliate and increase exposure and income for your own business or ministry, in addition to earning commissions on All-Access Pass sales and other great perks!

Our unique online events reach thousands of families worldwide who are seeking practical, Christ-centered guidance and resources for home education! We want to connect those families with YOU so they can see your heart to serve the homeschool community and become loyal supporters of your business or ministry.

Fill Out The Affiliate Interest Form Here

What’s In It For Me?

Tell Me More!

Am I eligible to be an affiliate for these events?
If you are a vendor that serves homeschool families, or if you have a ministry or business with a passionate heart for serving the homeschool community through Christ-centered resources and guidance, then you are eligible to apply to be an affiliate. We want you to join us!

How much will I earn for promoting these events?
You’ll earn a generous 50% commission on every sale of an All-Access Pass made through your personalized affiliate link, with last-click attribution. The sales window begins when registration opens roughly four weeks before each event, and runs through the entire week of the Summit. Affiliate commissions (excluding any refunded purchases) are paid out within 21 days after the 30-day refund period.

How can I use these events to grow my audience for my own business or ministry?
You can build and increase your email subscriber list and drive traffic to your website by taking advantage of listing your digital resource for free on our highly popular Swag Bag page! All you need to do is agree to promote the Summit through at least two channels (e.g., website, email, social media), and submit your resource to be considered for selection. You should be aware that space on the Swag Bag page is limited and will be prioritized to affiliates who are diligently promoting the Summit within the first two weeks after registration opens.

What other benefits can I cash in on when I promote these events?
Our affiliate program is truly a win-win for everyone!

  • All active affiliates: You can be a part of our referral program, too! Share the blessings with other like-minded homeschool business owners and help them join our affiliate team, and you’ll earn an additional 10% on every sale that they make.
  • After 1 All-Access Pass sale: You’ll earn $14.99 in commissions, and you’ll also secure a free All-Access Pass for yourself to this event and all previous Homeschool Summits events ($1,067 value)
  • After 5 All-Access Pass sales: You’ll earn $74.95 in commissions, and you’ll also be gifted two free Passes for you to give away as a blessing to a friend or as a prize drawing to encourage engagement from your audience.
  • After 15 All-Access Pass sales: You’ll earn $224.85 in commissions, and you’ll also have an exhibitor page in our online Exhibit Hall and an opportunity to share up to five of your own promotional posts in the Homeschool Summits Facebook group through October 30.

I’m On Board! When is the Next Summit?

The God-Centered Homeschool Summit 2.0 – October 14-18, 2024
In a world of shifting sands, Christian homeschoolers are called to build on the rock of Jesus Christ, but the currents of culture and the pressures of performance can easily sweep us off course. The God-Centered Homeschool Summit 2.0 is your compass that will realign your homeschool journey with its true north: Jesus Christ, the Lord of all Creation. Don’t let your family drift in a sea of worldly expectations and “must-dos!” Anchor your homeschool firmly in God’s Word and rediscover the singular purpose that infuses meaning into every subject, every lesson, and every day: raising children who love and serve Jesus with all their hearts.

Register here to promote the The God-Centered Homeschool Summit 2.0

Partner with us to build your brand and increase your income as we provide Christian homeschool families around the globe with practical, biblical help and hope for Christ-centered home education and discipleship!

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  • Affiliate Agreement

    Thank you for your interest in participating as an affiliate with the Homeschool Summits. We are thrilled to have you partner with us!

    There are just a few things that we request from our affiliates. None of the items below are meant to be too restrictive. In fact, by abiding by the terms of this agreement you can potentially increase your chances of earning money during the Homeschool Summit.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

    As an affiliate of the Homeschool Summits, I understand and agree to the following:


    As an affiliate, I understand that the Homeschool Summits will provide me with all of the necessary tools to equip me for the Homeschool Summits events including but not limited to:

    • Access to my affiliate account dashboard where I can view detailed information about my affiliate account and sales/transactions totals.
    • Pre-promotional dates, selective information, and graphics to prepare my readers.
    • Promotional materials for the event including:
      • Completed HTML emails and swipe copy for other emails
      • Graphics & content blurbs for social media or newsletter mentions
      • Template blog post content
    • An invitation to participate in the Homeschool Summits Affiliate Facebook Group where there will be regular updates, discussion of marketing strategies, bonus graphics to use for the event, and MORE!
    • Homeschool Summits retains all rights and ownership to promotional materials.
    • The earnings period for each event will be posted on the Affiliates website page and Affiliate dashboard. All affiliate level perks end at the close of the earnings period.
    • Featured Partners and State Organizations are not eligible to earn Affiliate perks.
    • Affiliates will not use promotional materials for personal use outside of the Homeschool Summits events.
    • Affiliates will not use the Homeschool Summits name or similar name for the purpose of creating a website, for a domain, or for any reason other than to promote the Homeschool Summits events.

    **I understand that my participation in the Affiliate Facebook Group provided by the Homeschool Summits staff is not required to participate but may directly affect my earning potential.


    Affiliate is considered an independent contractor. Affiliate is not considered to be an agent of the Homeschool Summits in any respect.


    As an affiliate I understand the following commission pay scale:

    • Affiliates will receive 50% base commission on sales total.
    • Referring affiliates will receive 10% commissions on their referral partner’s sales.
    • Homeschool Summits is NOT responsible for any lost, unverified, or unrecorded commissions.
    • Commissions will be paid within 21 days of the 30-day refund period.
    • Commissions will be paid via check to the address and name listed on your W-9 when you register as an affiliate. (International payments will be paid via personal PayPal.) No checks will be sent without a W9 on file. You are required to report all of your income to the IRS. (If your earnings exceed $600 and your W9 lists either an Individual/Sole Proprietor, Partnership, Limited Liability Company [LLC], Limited Partnership [LP], or Estate, we will also issue you a 1099 form.)
    • If terms are breached by affiliates then commissions may be forfeited.

    **As an affiliate, I understand that any extra effort I put into promoting the Homeschool Summits events beyond the basic promotional posts directly affects my earning potential.


    Homeschool Summits is not responsible for any taxes owed by affiliates through commissions obtained from the Homeschool Summits.


    As an affiliate, I agree to not release any information about the event, its dates, its speakers, or the companies included until such time that the Homeschool Summits administrators give permission to do so. Abiding by these terms greatly affects both anticipation of the upcoming event as well as protects the speakers and their products.

    Affiliate's site, newsletter, or social media outlet, must not contain the following:

    • Sexually explicit, obscene, or pornographic material.
    • Offensive, profane, hateful, threatening, harmful, defamatory, libelous, harassing, or discriminatory text or graphics.
    • Graphics of violent or unlawful behavior.


    Any information that affiliate is exposed to by virtue of its relationship with the Homeschool Summits under this Agreement, which information is not available to the general public, shall be considered to be "Confidential Company Information."


    • This Agreement shall take effect immediately upon signing up for the affiliate program.
    • Either Party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at any time and for any cause.


    Affiliate shall also indemnify and hold harmless the Homeschool Summits for any damage, loss, or other cost arising out of the use or misuse by Affiliate of the Promotional Materials.


    • This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Homeschool Summits and Affiliate and supersedes any prior understanding preceding the date of this Agreement.
    • Homeschool Summits reserves all rights not expressly granted here.
Use the following HTML emails and suggested subject lines to easily promote the Homeschool Family Relationships 2.0 Summit! Be sure to use your unique affiliate link!
  • HTML Email #1

    • It’s here!! The Homeschool Family Relationships Summit 2.0
    • Coming October 10th: Help for your Family Relationships
    • Voddie Baucham, John MacAruthur, Stephen Kendrick & more at the Homeschool Summit
  • HTML Email #2

    • Do you need unity in your family?
    • Become a world-changing force for God’s kingdom
    • Ken Ham, Rachael Carman, Leslie Ludy & more at the Homeschool Summit
  • HTML Email #3

    • A fresh start to relationships health
    • Voddie Baucham, Nancy Campbell, Jeff Myers & more at the Homeschool Summit
    • John MacArthur, Stephen Kendrick, Todd Wilson & more at the Homeschool Summit
Have a blog? Use the following blog post template to share about the Homeschool Family Relationships 2.0 Summit! Be sure to use your unique affiliate link!


Do the relationships inside your home feel stormy?

Then maybe you can relate to the Ephesian church. When Paul wrote them a letter of admonishment and encouragement, he recognized things were stormy (Ephesians 4:25–31).

Falsehood. Anger. Corrupting talk. Bitterness. Wrath. Clamor. Slander.

And sometimes our homeschooling days can have their fill of these things, too.

But the good news? God’s grace and power are MORE than enough to equip us to walk in love. We CAN walk as children of light, making the best use of the time, giving thanks, doing the will of God from the heart (Ephesians 5) AND we can lead our children to do the same.

God’s truth is available for us today, just as when Paul shared it with the Ephesians, and that’s what the Homeschool Family Relationships Summit 2.0, coming this October 10-15, 2022, is all about: We will be urged (and equipped!) to find God’s wisdom for our closest relationships so we can communicate with truth and grace, strengthen our unity even through conflict, and lead our families to become world-changing forces for the kingdom of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

All of the video sessions, with top Christian homeschooling and parenting speakers and authors, bring a Christ-centered focus to these topics:

Biblical Relationships


Parent/Child Relationships

Sibling & Peer Relationships

Your Family & the World

The entire event is FREE if you sign up by October 10th, and in addition to the video sessions, you’ll also get access to an online exhibit hall (with exclusive discounts and freebies) and a private Facebook group to connect with attendees from across the world.

By God’s grace, you’ll walk away from the Homeschool Family Relationships Summit 2.0 with a fresh start for Christ-centered, healthy relationships right in your home.

Don’t wait! Learn more and register for free (for a limited time only!) at ________.


Increase your earning potential by posting on social media or in your emails! Simple copy and paste the following swipe copy and combine with a graphic from the other tabs. Some important instructions:
  1. Remember to add your own affiliate link. We recommend not just copy/pasting your affiliate link, but instead using a redirect from your own website or a tool like Pretty Link ( – WordPress plugin) or Bitly ( – URL shortener).
  2. Use the hashtag #HomeschoolSummits to connect with event attendees.
  3. Use @hssummits on these social media channels to connect your post to Homeschool Summits:
Promotional Swipe Copy

Primary Theme:

Homeschooling forces you to fight out relational battles, whether you like it or not. But conflict and challenges are the perfect place for us to learn to walk as Christ did … if we can hold our tongues long enough to look to the Word! So block off your calendar for October 10-15, 2022, prepare your heart, and get ready to be charged with a high calling: The Homeschool Family Relationships Summit 2.0 will urge (and equip!) you to find God’s wisdom for your closest relationships so you can communicate with truth and grace, strengthen your family’s unity even through conflict, and lead your family to become a world-changing force for the kingdom of God. Are you ready? Join speakers including Voddie Baucham, John MacArthur, Nancy Campbell, and many more!! Sign up for free today at _______.

Join Voddie Baucham, Stephen Kendrick, Eric & Leslie Ludy, Ken Ham, Ted & Margy Tripp, and MANY more popular Christian speakers and authors for the Homeschool Family Relationships Summit 2.0. It’s a week of video sessions intentionally designed to help you learn to stop working in your own strength to manage family challenges … and instead, walk by faith and see God work through you to strengthen your family for His glory and your joy! Register for free right now at ________.

Join us at the Homeschool Family Relationships Summit 2.0 (free & online this October 10-15, 2022), and dig in to learn how it looks to apply this in your family:

“Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:31-32)

Register now for free at ______ — video sessions with 25+ top Christian homeschooling and parenting speakers and authors who are coming your way!

Do you fear losing the relational battle with your children … or worse, your spouse?

Fear is a normal part of life.

But it’s NOT God’s way.

His truth brings us hope for victory through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Get biblical wisdom for how to communicate with truth and grace, strengthen your family’s unity even through conflict, and lead your family to become a world-changing force for the kingdom of God through the upcoming (totally FREE!) online event, the Homeschool Family Relationships Summit 2.0 (October 10-15, 2022). Register for free at _______ and get ready to find confidence in following God’s way for your family!

Ready to lead your family to change the world for the kingdom of God? Then this is for you! The Homeschool Family Relationships Summit — coming October 10-15, 2022 — will urge (and equip!) you to find God’s wisdom for your closest relationships so you can communicate with truth and grace, strengthen your family’s unity even through conflict, and lead your family to become a world-changing force for the kingdom of God. Hurry — registration is free for a limited time! Sign up now at _______.

Tired of running in circles, always coming back to the same relational difficulties?


Find the Christ-centered wisdom and practical application tools you need to walk in the light and make the best use of your time — right in your own homeschool. The Homeschool Family Relationships Summit 2.0 is an exclusively online event (hosted October 10-15, 2022) with over 25 speaker video sessions, all designed to urge (and equip!) you with God’s plan for grace-filled family life. Register now for free at _____.

“You must no longer walk as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their minds. They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from life in God… at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.” (Ephesians 4:17-18, 5:8-9)

If you are ready for wise counsel from the sure foundation of God’s Word on how to walk as children of light in your home, then join us at the FREE online Homeschool Family Relationships Summit 2.0 (coming October 10-15, 2022), and get on the right track for a future of healthy relationships! Register for free right now at _________.

Ready to STOP the relational storms and find clear skies and sunny days?
We’ve got 25+ Christian homeschooling and parenting authors and speakers ready to urge (& equip!) you to find God’s wisdom for your closest relationships so you can communicate with truth and grace, strengthen your family’s unity even through conflict, and lead your family to become a world-changing force for the kingdom of God. It’s all coming this October 10-15, 2022 at the Homeschool Family Relationships Summit 2.0. You can find all the details and register for free at _________. Don’t miss this!

Homeschool Summits is back with another fantastic free event!! The Homeschool Family Relationships Summit 2.0 will bring you guidance from 25+ top speakers who will give you a biblical perspective for navigating marriage, parent/child relationships, sibling & peer relationships, and more … all for the glory and advancement of the kingdom of God. Register now for free at _________ and get ready for October 10-15, 2022!

Sign up to be an affiliate

Past Summits

The Homeschool Parenting Summit will help you focus on God’s simple plan for family discipleship, recharge your motivation, and faithfully take action to raise children who love God and others. Dig deep for truth from God’s Word through video sessions on parenting foundations, child training, relationships, challenges, and launching young adults — learn to parent with success when you keep eternity in view!

The Homeschool Fitting-It-All-In Summit won’t strangle you into perfection, we promise. But it WILL bring you Christ-centered help and hope for deciding what matters to your family, creating a workable homeschool plan, and keeping your path centered on the eternal – even when life happens. Get ready for an incredible event – peace is coming soon to your homeschool!

The Homeschool Teaching Summit will refresh your excitement for the journey, equip you with practical management tools, and transform your vision for education and discipleship. Get ready to re-enter your homeschool week with confidence – your best year of Christ-like teaching is right around the corner!