April 12th, 5:00 AM CST
How Hospitality Shapes the Heart of Christian Family Life and Ministry
Covered in This Session:
- Why every Christian can (and should) do hospitality
- How hospitality helps unify family relationships
- Practical ideas for practicing hospitality
Nancy Campbell is the editress of Above Rubies magazine and mother of 10, grandmother of 51, and great-grandmother to over 20 grandbabies. Nancy Campbell hosts a podcast called the Life to the Full w/ Nancy Campbell every Tuesday morning at 6:00am to encourage wives and mothers in their highest calling of being a wife and mother. On Nancy’s website, AboveRubies.org, you’ll find hundreds of testimonies and articles on all subjects of marriage, motherhood, and family life. You’ll also have access to Nancy’s daily email devotionals, books, and information on Above Rubies Retreats.
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