October 15th, 5:00 AM CST
The Power of a Poured-Out Life
Covered in This Session:
- How to live a poured-out life
- Finding the balance between serving others and focusing on our own needs
- Discover creative ideas for spending time with the Lord
Leslie Ludy is a bestselling author and speaker with a passion for helping women become set apart for Christ. Leslie has spoken to hundreds of thousands of women over the past 25 years. Her core message of complete surrender to Christ in every area of life has inspired today’s Christian women to exchange mediocrity for a thriving spiritual life that impacts others for God’s glory. Leslie is the host of the popular Set Apart Girl Podcast and founder of the Set Apart Girl Magazine, which inspires women of all ages toward Christ-centered femininity. Her annual Set Apart Conference reaches several thousand women around the world each year. Leslie’s bestselling books for women include Authentic Beauty, Set-Apart Femininity, and The Set-Apart Woman.
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