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October 14th, 2:00 PM CST
Fitting It All In Your Budget
Covered in This Session:
- How to fit it all into your budget, even as a one-income family
- Setting and meeting your financial goals
- Planning for how to handle financial discussions in your marriage and family
Alex and Cassie Michael live in the Rocky Mountain Northwest where they homeschool their six children. They are now known as The Thrifty Couple after spending themselves into over $100K of consumer debt and paying it all off in a short time. They started a website ( to give hope and encouragement to families and share the resources they used themselves to pay off all their debt (and still use today to meet all their financial goals). Their book, The 2% Rule to Get Debt Free Fast: An Innovative Method to Pay Your Loans Off for Good, breaks down their method into a step-by-step plan to offer others what they wish they had years ago.
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