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October 14th, 5:30 PM CST
Homeschooling on Empty: Biblical Principles for Relationships and Practical Tips for Home Management
Covered in This Session:
- How to keep going when burnout happens
- Eliminating the causes of burnout
- Homeschooling with caregiving, new babies, and financial concerns
Sharon Fisher is a wife, mother, and grandmother that has a passion for encouraging homeschool parents and Christian educators to teach children with excellence and with a biblical worldview, as expressed in her blog, Schooled by Grace. She holds a B.S. and an M.A. in Elementary Education. She has years of full-time teaching experience in the elementary classroom, served as curriculum coordinator for Bob Jones Academy, and served as an elementary author for BJU Press. She has contributed to a variety of elementary educational materials and has presented workshops both nationally and internationally on a variety of elementary-level subjects and teaching methods. She serves as Social Media Coordinator, Workshop Speaker, Blog Writer, Webinar Presenter, and Curriculum Specialist for Homeworks by Precept, a provider of excellent homeschool materials.