Welcome — we’re super glad you’re here! Make yourself at home – browse the sessions, shop the exhibit hall, and come on over to our private Facebook community for some fellowship. And be sure to let us know if you have any questions!
Day 1 – Kickoff Keynote
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April 3rd, 4:00 PM CST
A God-Centered Vision of History
- God is always involved, always at the center of what is happening.
- History has meaning, and therefore our lives also have meaning.
- While the kingdoms of men rise and fall, the Kingdom of Jesus continues and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.
- An optimistic view of the past and of the future is warranted, because of Jesus.
Day 2 – World History
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Bonus Session
Homeschooler to Homeschool Family Defender
- One of the most important gifts we give our children is time and enjoying the time. Children spell love T-I-M-E.
- Ultimately we have to trust God for the salvation of our children.
- Teach children to learn to learn and love learning.
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April 4th, 5:00 AM CST
Before Jesus, After Jesus: The Only Way to View History
- After 2,000, Jesus is still the most influential person who has ever lived.
- Every other worldview minimizes our problem of sin. Jesus didn’t minimize our sin, but came down Himself to save us from sin.
- Where the Gospel spread and changed lives, the abuse of women and children was eradicated.
- Jesus is our hope for the future, so let’s take the Gospel to our children, our neighbors, and the nations!
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April 4th, 5:00 AM CST
The Story of Freedom
- It’s often in the midst of the worst times, that God in His good providence plants seeds for extraordinary new freedom.
- God can work through ordinary, unknown people who are faithfully following Him to lay the foundation for massive cultural change.
- True liberty is impossible without the working of the Holy Spirit in regenerating hearts.
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April 4th, 5:00 AM CST
The Book That Changed the World
- The Bible is the force that has brought justice, righteousness, and the rule of law to every modern, first world country.
- Christianity is about way more than just a “passport to heaven.”
- All men being created equal is only self-evident and true in the Christian worldview.
- The United States is a nation that needs to be evangelized and discipled too.
- God designed Christian marriage to be the stable emotional and economic foundation from which children can be raised to impact the Kingdom.
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April 4th, 5:00 AM CST
The Remarkable Influence of Christianity on Science and Technology
- There is something about the Christian worldview that made technology and science thrive.
- Unitarian cultures are more interested in controlling people than innovation, and polytheistic cultures don’t have a framework of a stable universe that makes science able to be found out.
- Historically, cultures have always advanced the most when they take the Bible seriously, and decline when they don’t.
- Living out the Christian presupposition of personal ownership motivates people to stewardship that benefits themselves and everybody else.
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April 4th, 5:00 AM CST
How the Reformation Influenced the World for 500 Years — The Untold Story
- Because we are new creations in Christ, we are set free to be ourselves and live out our calling using the gifts God gives us.
- The Reformation brought holy dignity to every day, mundane tasks and work.
- Your theology comes out of your fingertips; what are you doing? What are you becoming?
- The push for literacy among the general population was driven by a desire for everyone to be able to read the Bible for themselves.
- We must abandon dualism. Christ is Lord of every part of your life, not just the part that is in church on Sunday.
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April 4th, 5:00 AM CST
Eleazar, One of David’s Mighty Men
- Why confession, repentance, and forgiveness are crucial to family unity
- Practical ways to cultivate a spirit of forgiveness within the home
- Addressing unforgiveness
Day 3 – Church & Missions History
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Bonus Session
Increasing Medical, Financial, and Religious Freedom Through Share HealthCare®
- God calls us as Christians to be unified and care one for each other.
- Know that your money isn’t going towards procedures that go against your beliefs.
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April 5th, 5:00 AM CST
Stories and Lessons From the 18th-Century Revivals in the UK and America
- The great revivals of history were not isolated events, but were part of the great unfolding of the Kingdom of God.
- Trying to change people from the outside has never worked — true cultural change only happens when Christ saves people and changes them from the inside out.
- True revivals have an unshakeable focus on the excellency of Christ and the sufficiency of His work in redemption, and the appropriate response of the sinner.
- Churches that are full of people who appreciate truth are not the same as a church full of people who have tasted and seen that the Lord is good for themselves.
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April 5th, 5:00 AM CST
Heroes of the Early Church
- Jesus came to save the world, and that is the most important event in all of history.
- Throughout persecution and the fall of empires, the church of Jesus Christ has stood firm and endured.
- A true hero stands for something greater than themselves, even to the point of dying for it.
- When men and women exhibit faith in the midst of trials, that glorifies and delights God.
- Christ has already won the victory, we should never be intimidated by the enemy.
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April 5th, 5:00 AM CST
Here I Stand! Stories of the Reformers
- Studying history is studying God’s sovereign hand at work in the lives of His saints, using their lives to impact the world for Christ.
- The invention of the printing press a few decades before Luther made it so that his 95 theses could spread like wildfire throughout the Western world.
- Thousands of lives were changed and impacted by families faithfully living lives sold out for Christ.
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April 5th, 5:00 AM CST
Thrilling Stories of Missionary Heroism
- History is His Story — God working through people throughout the ages.
- Jesus came, and the world will never be the same.
- All of history is a testament that Christ has won, His Kingdom is advancing, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against Him.
- Only the Holy Spirit can give the courage and compassion necessary to reach the lost.
- These missionaries had realized the amazing implications of the Gospel in their own lives, and couldn’t help but take the Good News to the nations.
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April 5th, 5:00 AM CST
Modern Persecutions and the Explosive Growth of the Worldwide Church
- Satan has two agendas: keep non-Christians from knowing who Jesus is, and make Christians keep their faith to themselves.
- When persecution comes, you need to stay in the story, so you can see in the end what God has done.
- Evangelism is best done in the context of relationship.
- To not go, and fulfill the Great Commission, is to miss God and His fullness.
- Are we so literate that we haven’t written the Word in our hearts?
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April 5th, 5:00 AM CST
The Centurion in the Shadow of the Cross
- Why confession, repentance, and forgiveness are crucial to family unity
- Practical ways to cultivate a spirit of forgiveness within the home
- Addressing unforgiveness
Day 4 – American Christian History
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April 6th, 5:00 AM CST
Journey of Faith — How the Pilgrim Church Applied the Bible to Every Area of Their Lives
- Revival starts with God changing hearts to love Him and read His Word in the home.
- God uses our tragedies and trials to prepare us to later be a blessing to others.
- Life is not about us being happy and comfortable — it’s about living for Christ and advancing the Gospel.
- Separation is not isolation. A kingdom vision seeks to be a Gospel witness to the lost.
- A huge testimony to the Gospel is when we own up to and apologize for our mistakes.
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April 6th, 5:00 AM CST
A Heritage of Faith — The Faith and Sacrifice of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence
- America was founded on Christian principles, and understanding this rich heritage is important for taking back the U.S.
- Stories of courage and sacrifice inspire us to rise up and act similarly for the cause of
Christ and the good of others. - These men purposed to be useful servants of God, and we should do the same.
- “Duty is ours, the results are God’s.” John Adams
- God calls families to rise up and be the repairers of the breach.
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April 6th, 5:00 AM CST
Providential Battles of the American War for Independence
- “He who notes Providences will have Providences to note.”
- Deists believe in chance and fate, but Christians believe in God’s sovereign hand at work in daily life.
- “We read Providence like Hebrew — backwards.”
- If you don’t understand your past, you can’t understand your present.
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April 6th, 5:00 AM CST
God’s Mighty Hand in the History of Christian Homeschooling
- God gives the right to homeschool, but HSLDA fought to have the government recognize that right.
- Freedom and rights only exist if God has created mankind and given unalienable rights.
- Homeschooling, by nature, imprints on your kids the truth that the government does not, and should not, supply all their needs.
- Homeschooling gives the opportunity to raise your children to know and love Christ more than any other form of education.
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April 6th, 5:00 AM CST
Hope for America: Stories of God’s Reviving Hand Through the Centuries
- Jesus isn’t done with us yet.
- Any one of us can have a significant impact on the future through a legacy of faith.
- Revival begins in the heart and leads to repentance and then national cultural change.
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April 6th, 5:00 AM CST
The Delaware Crossing
- Why confession, repentance, and forgiveness are crucial to family unity
- Practical ways to cultivate a spirit of forgiveness within the home
- Addressing unforgiveness
Day 5 – Your Part In Making History
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April 7th, 5:00 AM CST
Not to Act is to Act: A Letter to the American Church
- God has no “lanes.” He owns every lane. He desires us to bring our faith out of the church and affect every sphere in culture.
- God calls us to fear Him — not the Gestapo, not the IRS, not the FBI.
- The Lord has given us a glorious call to battle. To miss that, to sit on the sidelines, is the greatest tragedy.
- We need to be brave and speak up — if not for ourselves, then for all the others whose lives are being affected. God commands us to love our neighbors.
- When speaking the truth, we need to be motivated by deep compassion for those who are the victims of wickedness.
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April 7th, 5:00 AM CST
Homeschool With Jesus in War Zones
- Your children will be shaped by the environment and people that you choose to surround your family with.
- God gives each of us a calling and places us in situations where we can steward that calling and use it for the good of others.
- God calls us to be faithful with where He calls us and trust the outcome to Him.
- Put your own agendas on God’s altar when you’re about to make a decision, and ask Him what He would have you do.
- As a parent, you must be following Christ first before your children will, living a holy life and confessing sin and asking forgiveness when you fail.
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April 7th, 5:00 AM CST
Answering the “What Should I Do With My Life?” Question
- We need to lean into the challenges that God brings us, for that’s how we learn to trust Him every day.
- History is going somewhere, God is guiding it and directing it there on purpose, and we have the privilege of being a part of it.
- The message of Scripture is not self-sufficiency, but living connected to the Body of Christ, everyone’s strength covering for others’ weaknesses.
- There is no “kicking back” in the Christian life. God calls us to constantly pursue excellence for His glory.
- Hard work that is pointless is torture. Why are you doing the hard work? Believe the end result is worth it, and you’ll have motivation to move towards it.
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April 7th, 5:00 AM CST
Historical Sabotage: The Attempt to Rewrite History and How to Respond
- Historians don’t just write about facts, they have theories about why conflicts happen, and how they could be avoided.
- A God-centered view of history gives meaning to conflict and suffering.
- The root of all conflict and struggle is that humankind has rejected God’s rule and wants to be god themselves.
- Fighting back against destructive ideologies begins with saturating ourselves and our family with God’s Word.
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April 7th, 5:00 AM CST
Your Family’s Part in Making Church History
- The Bible commands us to share the stories of what God has done in the past.
- Our children need to know who they are and Whose they are.
- God is going to call us into difficult situations so that all we have left is to rely on Him, so that He gets all the glory.
- The Church is the battering ram against the very gates of hell, and we are a part of that battle.
- Spiritual battle is fought every day in what we say, think, and do.
- Our kids need parents who realize that their only hope is Jesus, and live in humble dependence on Him in every aspect of their lives.
LIVE History Q&A (+ 1-12 History Curriculum Giveaway – $890 Value)
April 11th, 11:00 AM CST
How to Teach a God-Centered View of History in Your Homeschool (And Protect Your Kids from False Narratives)
Feeling overwhelmed with how to plug a God-centered approach to history into your homeschool? Generations is hosting a LIVE Q&A webcast to give you an opportunity to share your questions. Join Kevin Swanson and Brandee Gillham LIVE as they discuss:
- What true history REALLY is (and isn’t)
- Why you’re setting your kids up to fail in life if you don’t teach them a God-centered perspective of history
- The 6,000-year conspiracy: Why so many history textbooks don’t tell your kids the whole story.
- Your History Truth-Checker: A simple, 5-question test any parent can use to uncover whether or not a history book is telling the truth
- Giving your Kids the best possible education: How to apply the 4 pillars of a biblical approach to education when teaching history.
- History +Q&A: If you have questions about history or how to teach history from a biblical perspective, bring ‘em to the webcast!
1st-12th Grade Generations History Curriculum Giveaway ($890 Value)

Join Kevin and Brandee LIVE on Zoom to enter a drawing for the complete Generations 1st-12th grade History Curriculum collection.
Note: Only live attendees will be entered in the drawing. You need to be on the LIVE Q&A call so you can respond if you’re called as the winner.
Our Hosts
Daniel & Megan
Daniel and Megan Craig are passionate about home education, discipleship, and the Church. Both first-generation homeschool graduates, Daniel and Megan have a great burden to build on all their parents taught them. Married for 7 years with three children in tow, they are in the throes of learning what it means to raise a family to the glory of God. Daniel operates an accounting firm and serves as the Marketing Director for Generations Homeschool.
Sam & Bekah
Sam and Bekah Rust are second generation homeschool parents, married for 10 years and blessed to parent 6 children. Together they are passionate about the local church, raising up the next generation for the Lord, and providing their children with a Christ-centered education. Sam is a managing partner at Life Bridge Capital, a private equity group focused on commercial real estate, and is a board member of CHEC.
Brandee and her cowboy husband enjoy serving as fourth generation ranchers on the family operation in Northeast Colorado raising beef cattle, quarter horses, chickens and bees. She is so thankful she left the world of teaching collegiate anatomy to become a full-time mama. The Lord called her to spend her days homeschooling her four cowpokes (with one of those precious boys already in heaven). She encourages others by telling them that no time invested in our children will ever be wasted. Her deepest prayer is that she will raise these men to be warriors for Christ and passionate learners. Brandee deeply loves Jesus Christ, home discipleship, patriotism, agriculture, volunteering, hard work, and speaking the truth with love and laughter. You can connect with her at BrandeeGillham.com.
Super simple – we do the work for you and send you an email each morning of the event. You can click the link in the email to view the schedule for the day, then click the video you’d like to see. Videos are available to view for free for 24 hours from their scheduled launch time, so even if you miss the launch you still have time to catch up. (Each session is about 45 minutes long, and you can watch from your computer, smart TV, or mobile device.)
The keynotes are broadcast on Facebook, but they’re also on our website, and all other video sessions are right here too. We encourage you to connect with us via Facebook to participate in some great discussion & fun giveaways, but it’s not required.
We’re so glad you asked! Homeschool Summits is a project brought to you by CHEC and Generations, both non-profit organizations based in Colorado that exist to help parents raise their children to love and serve God. CHEC is a Colorado-based organization that defends homeschool freedom and helps families to homeschool with confidence. (Learn more here.) Generations is a national organization that offers a daily radio program, family events, curriculum, and more. (Learn more here.) Together, they are working to bring Homeschool Summits to your home.
Or, if you’d like to learn more about being an exhibitor or speaker, click here.