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Today’s sessions brought to you by: Summit Ministries

Kick-Off Keynote
Michael P. Farris
Michael P. FarrisAlliance Defending Freedom
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April 3rd, 2:00 PM CST

How to Have Hope in the Midst of Hard Times

  • How COVID-19 affects our “hard times” perspective
  • The danger of keeping a Christian worldview silent
  • Practical ways to have victory in hardship
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Today’s sessions brought to you by: Apologia

April 6th, 8:30 AM CST

Daily Family Devotional With Kevin Swanson

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Paul Tripp
Paul TrippPaul Tripp Ministries
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April 6th, 9:00 AM CST

Parenting Is Gospel Ministry

  • What the proper core motivation for parenting is
  • Recognizing the starting point of fruit-producing parenting
  • Wise counsel for discouraged and burnt-out parents
  • How to know the difference between exercising authority and giving grace
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Kevin Swanson
Kevin SwansonGenerations
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April 6th, 10:30 AM CST

Striking the Biblical Balances in Parenting

  • Not giving way to “Control-Freak-Parenting”
  • How to bring both the law and grace to bear in the lives of our children biblically
  • Keeping the right balance between dealing with the heart, and dealing with external behavior
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Davis & Rachael Carmen
Davis & Rachael CarmenApologia
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April 6th, 12:00 PM CST

Radically Intentional Parenting

  • The alternative to radical intentionality
  • Why radically intentional parenting is so important, even when difficult
  • The importance of being on the same page with your spouse
  • Two principles for navigating the launch into adulthood
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Dr. Rob Rienow
Dr. Rob RienowVisionary Family Ministries
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April 6th, 2:00 PM CST

Discipline That Disciples

  • The purpose of discipline
  • How Christian discipline differs from worldly discipline
  • Recognizing and addressing both passive and outright rebellion
  • How random-reinforcement instills negative behavior
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Nancy Campbell
Nancy CampbellAbove Rubies
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April 6th, 3:30 PM CST

Becoming the Disciplined Parent: Developing Self-Control, Godly Attitudes, and Spiritual Disciplines

  • Principles for keeping a Godly spirit as you homeschool and parent your kids
  • How spiritual disciplines have an impact on parenting
  • Understanding the importance of our walk with the Lord to transform first our own lives and then our family
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Emeal Zwayne
Emeal ZwayneLiving Waters
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April 6th, 5:00 PM CST

A Healthy Marriage Is Foundational for Healthy Parenting

  • Biblical principles for oneness in marriage
  • Practical things that couples can do to safeguard their oneness
  • How to handle disagreements in parenting
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Today’s sessions brought to you by: BJU Press Homeschool

Child Training
April 7th, 8:30 AM CST

Daily Family Devotional With Kevin Swanson

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Cassandra De Leon
Cassandra De LeonBJU Press Homeschool/HomeWorks by Precept
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Bonus Session!

Is Jesus on Your Lesson Plan

  • Do you consult THE Teacher’s edition every day for your life or your children’s lives? Putting Jesus on your lesson plans is broader than just your Curriculum—His Teacher’s Edition is the driving force behind every emotion, decision, and action in our lives.
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Dr. Tedd & Margy Tripp
Dr. Tedd & Margy TrippShepherding The Heart Ministries
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April 7th, 9:00 AM CST

Getting to the Heart of Behavior

  • Searching for the deeper motive underneath your child’s behavior
  • Principles for addressing a child’s behavior from Scripture
  • Pitfalls to avoid when correcting a child’s wrong behavior
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Tauna Meyer
Tauna MeyerThe Proverbial Homemaker
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April 7th, 10:30 AM CST

Gospel-Powered Character Training: Practical Tips for Busy Moms

  • Understand how the gospel affects our parenting on a daily basis
  • Learn tips for handling the “out-of-sorts” days
  • Find how to focus on the heart as you parent, rather than simply modifying behavior
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Hal & Melanie Young
Hal & Melanie YoungRaising Real Men
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April 7th, 12:00 PM CST

No Longer Little: Parenting Tweens with Grace and Hope

  • Understanding what is going on during the pre-teen to early teen years
  • How to transition from parenting as a benevolent dictator to parenting as a trusted advisor
  • Guiding tweens through emotional and hormonal transitions with love and truth
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Dr. Kathy Koch
Dr. Kathy KochCelebrate Kids
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April 7th, 2:00 PM CST

Strong-Willed: A Focus on Solutions

  • Understanding your strong-willed child
  • How to recognize and encourage your child’s potential
  • Principles for training a strong will
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Lou Priolo
Lou PrioloCompetent to Counsel International
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April 7th, 3:30 PM CST

How to Use the Scripture in Child Training

  • Principles to begin implementing Scripture into your child training — even when children are young
  • Making God’s Word the foundation of your home and life
  • How to form biblical habits in your children’s lives
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Today’s sessions brought to you by: Apologia

April 8th, 8:30 AM CST

Daily Family Devotional With Kevin Swanson

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Norm Wakefield
Norm WakefieldSpirit of Elijah Ministries
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April 8th, 9:00 AM CST

How to Care for the Hearts of Your Children

  • Discover God’s design for our children’s hearts
  • Learn to instill hope in your children and learn why they need it!
  • Find practical ways to hold onto God’s promises in parenting
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Daniel & Megan Craig
Daniel & Megan CraigGenerations
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April 8th, 10:30 AM CST

How Our Parents Kept Our Hearts

  • Discerning what your kids will remember most from your parenting
  • Practical tips to build strong relationships with your children
  • Building a family team that stays together and enjoys one another
  • Four factors for strong family relationships
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Ken Sande
Ken SandeRelational Wisdom 360
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April 8th, 12:00 PM CST

Relational Wisdom: Preparing Your Children for Life

  • Understanding relational wisdom and conflict resolution
  • Step-by-step action plans to teach your children to walk in wisdom
  • How thoughts and emotions play into a child’s actions
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Connie Albers
Connie AlbersConnieAlbers.com
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April 8th, 2:00 PM CST

You Can Build Close Sibling Friendships

  • Gain a vision of what God desires sibling relationships to look like
  • Practical steps for helping your children grow closer to one another
  • Principles for dealing with sibling conflicts
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Danika Cooley
Danika CooleyThinking Kids Press
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April 8th, 3:30 PM CST

The Power of Encouragement

  • What the Bible says about encouragement
  • 5 functions of encouragement in parenting
  • Practical ideas for how to provide meaningful encouragement day-to-day
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Today’s sessions brought to you by: BJU Press Homeschool

April 9th, 8:30 AM CST

Daily Family Devotional With Kevin Swanson

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Israel Wayne
Israel WayneFamily Renewal
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April 9th, 9:00 AM CST

Common Mistakes Christian Parents Make

  • How to recognize mistakes often made in Christian parenting
  • Principles to overcome mistakes
  • Why we must focus on relationships with our children as we parent
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Amy Roberts
Amy RobertsRaising Arrows
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April 9th, 10:30 AM CST

Mothering Through the Storms of Life

  • Keeping homeschooling in its proper place while walking through trials
  • Making Christ the focus no matter what your circumstances
  • Principles that will strengthen your family
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Phillip Telfer
Phillip TelferMedia Talk 101
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April 9th, 12:00 PM CST

What’s on Your Plate? How to Have a Balanced Diet in the All-You-Can-Eat Media Buffet Culture

  • How a family’s media diet affects them
  • The ultimate goal for thriving as a family in the digital age
  • Evaluating content and time use in entertainment
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Dr. SM Davis
Dr. SM DavisSolve Family Problems
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April 9th, 2:00 PM CST

Why “Good Christian Parents” Have Rebellious Teens (And What to Do About It!)

  • Practical help for parents with a rebellious teen
  • Guarding teenagers against the influence of anger
  • Principles for how parents can respond if a child is going astray
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Sam Black
Sam BlackCovenant Eyes
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April 9th, 3:30 PM CST

Raising Courageous Kids to Confront a Sexualized Culture

  • Myths parents believe and the reality of online dangers
  • How accountability safeguards your family
  • Practical ideas for strengthening family communication
  • Implementing strategies to keep your kids safe
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Kathie Morrissey
Kathie MorrisseyThe Character Corner
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April 9th, 5:00 PM CST

Staying on Track: How to Get It All Done

  • Understand why so many homeschool moms feel like they never can do all they need to
  • How to prioritize relationships, even when you feel overwhelmed
  • Principles for making reasonable plans and goals
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Today’s sessions brought to you by: Generations

April 10th, 8:30 AM CST

Daily Family Devotional With Kevin Swanson

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Geoff & Victoria Botkin
Geoff & Victoria BotkinVictoria's Library
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April 10th, 9:00 AM CST

Raising Kids to Stand on Your Shoulders

  • Understanding a Biblical perspective of successful parenting
  • How to instill in your children a family vision that they will carry forward
  • Principles to encourage unmotivated children
  • How to encourage the gifts that God has given to your children
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Eric & Leslie Ludy
Eric & Leslie LudyBraveheartedChristian.com
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April 10th, 10:30 AM CST

True Purity: Practical Ways to Prepare Your Children for an Amazing Love Story

  • How the conversation regarding sexuality and relationships has changed during the last 25 years
  • Important principles for long-term relational success
  • Top challenges homeschool parents face in training their children for purity
  • Why homeschool parents should be hopeful when it comes to the area of purity
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Todd Wilson
Todd WilsonFamily Man Ministries
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April 10th, 12:00 PM CST

What’s Next? Helping Your Children Choose the Best Route After Graduation

  • Finding your child’s direction after high school
  • What options are available for post-graduation choices
  • How to choose among many good options
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Keith & Kristyn Getty
Keith & Kristyn GettyGetty Music
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April 10th, 2:00 PM CST

The Forgotten Imperative: Singing in the Home

  • Establishing the proper foundational motivations for singing
  • How music has been used to teach and spread the gospel throughout history
  • Identifying songs that will last with your children for the rest of their lives
  • Baby steps for “unmusical” parents who desire a family who sings together
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Bill Jack
Bill JackWorldview Academy
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April 10th, 2:00 PM CST

How to Prepare Your Young Adult to Engage the Culture with a Biblical Worldview

  • Diagnosing the reason why so many Christian young people are leaving the faith
  • How the enemy’s attack on Christian young people has changed during the last generation
  • The importance of a biblical foundation for every area of life
  • How to prepare young people to engage, not hibernate
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Kevin Swanson
Kevin SwansonGenerations
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April 10th, 3:30 PM CST

The End Game: Raising Children to Seek God’s Kingdom First

  • What true success is
  • Identifying God’s calling on our kids (general & specific)
  • Laying out basic goals for life preparation
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No problemo! Simply upgrade to the All-Access Pass (after you register for the free version). When you pay for the All-Access Pass, nothing expires – which means you can watch and rewatch that super-helpful session and soak in all the tips.
Super simple – we do the work for you and send you an email each morning of the event. You can click the link in the email to view the schedule for the day, then click the video you’d like to see. Videos are available to view for free for 24 hours from their scheduled launch time, so even if you miss the launch you still have time to catch up. (Each session is about 45 minutes long, and you can watch from your computer, smart TV, or mobile device.)
No problem! We’ve created the All-Access Pass option; when you upgrade, nothing expires – which means you can watch and rewatch that super-helpful session and soak in all the tips. Click here to learn more.
Yep, for sure! The Exhibit Hall, discounts, and all video sessions are all just that – no cost to you and no strings attached while the event is live (April 6-10, 2020). You can opt to upgrade for lifetime access so you can watch again as much as you like, but that’s up to you.

Nope! No social media account is required to view the video sessions. The live keynote and each morning devotion will be broadcast on Facebook, but we’ll also share them on our website, and all other video sessions are right here too.

We encourage you to connect with us via Facebook to participate in some great discussion and Q&A, but it’s not required.

Super simple – we do the work for you and send you an email each morning of the event so you can click the link and immediately play the video you want to see. (Each session is about 45 minutes long, and you can watch from your computer, smart TV, or mobile device.)
Nope! No social media account is required to view the video sessions. The live keynote was broadcast on Facebook, but it’s also on our website, and all other video sessions are right here too.

We encourage you to connect with us via Facebook to participate in some great discussion and Q&A, but it’s not required.

Our original event was held in October 2019, and we decided to bring it back as an encouragement to families in this season. Whether this is your first time to participate or you’re returning, we pray you’ll find plenty to help and encourage.

They are the ministries behind Homeschool Summits. Based in Colorado, both organizations exist to help parents raise their children to love and serve God. CHEC is a state organization that fights for homeschool liberty and helps parents get started homeschooling and stay the journey. (Learn more here.) Generations is a national organization that offers a daily radio program, family events, curriculum, and more. (Learn more here.) Together, they are working to bring Homeschool Summits to your home.

Sure! If you’d like to market this event through your own online platform and receive 50% earnings, learn more here.

Or, if you’d like to learn more about being an exhibitor or speaker, click here.

Short answer = nope! We ARE pulling together a fantastic lineup of speakers and even shopping options, but it won’t replace attending your local homeschool conference. We highly recommend checking with your state organization (find a list here) for more information about their conferences. As awesome as this summit will be, we still believe that the in-person networking of a local conference is invaluable!
If you decide to upgrade your free event registration to an All-Access pass (learn more after registering for the free event), you will be eligible to receive continuing education credit.