October 17th, 12:00 PM CST
The Relational Mother
Covered in This Session:
- When to begin nurturing the mother/child relationship
- How your attitude about motherhood will impact your children
- Practical ideas for encouraging your child
Nancy Campbell is the editress of Above Rubies, a magazine to encourage and strengthen families, wives, mothers, and homemakers. She has been producing this magazine for 40 years, reaching families all across the globe. Nancy and her husband Colin have six biological children and later adopted four teenagers from Liberia, West Africa who are now also grown and having their own children. They have 45 grandchildren so far and 13 great-grandchildren. Colin and Nancy speak about family at seminars and weekend retreats throughout the USA and across the world. (Fun facts: Colin and Nancy are the parents of Wes and Steve Campbell who own and manage the Newsboys, and Wes is the original visionary of the God’s Not Dead movies. They are also the parents of Serene and Pearl of Trim Healthy Mama.)